ADMISSION QUERY FOR UG & PG : 9331021579, 9903136894, 9433266633, 8335849547, 8017969749
Dr. Amartya De


Dr. Amartya De


Associate Professor

Phone No.:



D. Pharm, B. Pharm , M. Pharm ( Pharmacology)
Ph. D (WBUHS, Pharmacology& Toxicology)

Total Experience : 17 Years 11 Months 21 Days

A. Teaching: 15 Years and 5 Months
• Former Lecturer “Seemanta Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences” in the Dept. of Pharmacology (29.03.2007- 19.01.2008)
• Former Lecturer (Pharmacology) in NetajiSubhas Chandra Bose Institute of Pharmacy, Chakdaha, Nadia, W.B. (21.01.2008-24.07.2008)
• Working in B.C.D.A. College of Pharmacy and Technology, in the Department of Pharmacology from 25th July 2008.
B. Industry: Nil
C. Research:5 Years
D. Others: Marketing Executive (Medical Representative 3 years)

(As on 01/09/2022)

1.    Appointed as Observer of West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination for several times.
2.    Appointed as external examiners of different colleges under MAKAUT for several times, external examiner of VMU(SIKKIM), WBUAFS (Kolkata).
3.    Reviewed the manuscript JPP-20-1097 from Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology (Official Journal of Royal Pharmaceutical Society) in 2020.
4.    Reviewed the manuscript CBC- 2018-11 from Journal of Current Bioactive Compounds in 2018.
5.    Ex-Member of IEAC (Scientist In-charge of Animal House Facility- Chakraborty Enterprise).
6.    Registered member of All India Pharmacy Students Welfare Society.
7.    Life time member of International Journal of Drug Formulation & Research.
8.    Life member of Indian Pharmacological society.
9.    Life member of APTI.
10.    Life Member of ISTE.
11.    Appointed as evaluator at the National conference on “ Collaborative Health Sciences – Vision for the Future” organized by School of Health Sciences, NSHM College Campus, Kolkata on 14th and 15th February, 2019.
12.    Achieved "BHARAT SHIKSHA GAURAV PURASKAR" on 14th May, 2023
13.    Editorial Board Member of the Journal International Clinical & Medical Case Report.
14. Achieved National Pride Award 2023 
15. Achieved Gobal Glorious Award 10th June 2023
16. Received 'Outstanding  Researcher in Pharmacology ' awarded by the Center for Health and Medical Sciences, Venus International Foundation , India , during 6th Venus International Healthcare Awards (VIHA) on 15th July, 2023

17. Best Educationist Award for out standing achievements and remarkable contribution in the field of pharmaceutical education on 19th August 2023

A) Conference proceeding: 1

B) Research review article: Total 46 ( National:2, International:43)

     Research Articles: 19,

     Review Articles: 27

C)  Book/ Book chapter: 3 (National : 2, International : 1) 

D) PATENT - 3 ( 2 UK Design Patent and one Indian Patent)