I have immense pleasure to introduce BCDA College of Pharmacy & Technology, Campus – 2 as the 2nd Pharmacy Institution of the BCDA MEMBERS’ BENEVOLENT TRUST. This is an attempt of the “Trust” to reorient itself to changing demands due to effect of Globalization thereby improving its efficiency, effectiveness and outreach for societal development. It has a capacity to establish state of the art institutions with ultra-modern laboratories, workshops and library facility suitable for Pharmaceutical Education and Research. In fact, BCDA MEMBERS’ BENEVOLENT TRUST has taken a venture to create institutions of Global standards. This is more required in the Liberalization, Privatization, and Globalization scenario, in which Technical Education system has to enhance its effectiveness, efficiency and outreach for societal development. It gives me immense pleasure in being the Principal of BCDA College of Pharmacy & Technology, Campus – 2 which is one of the cherished dreams of BCDA MEMBERS’ BENEVOLENT TRUST. Pharmacy profession has transformed from its conventional and customary drug focused orientation to an advanced patient focused orientation over the years. Previously, pharmacists were more concerned in compounding and manufacturing of medicines, but the role has significantly altered over time. The advancement in the role of pharmacist affianced them to be the part of the broader health care team working for providing better health care for the patients, thus contributing in achieving the global millennium development goals. To cope up, the role of today’s pharmacists desire to be expanded to include pharmaceutical care concepts, making the pharmacist a health care professional rather than a drug seller in a commercial enterprise. Therefore, pharmacy schools should prepare a programme that has competence with the changing role of the pharmacist. The education should provide ability for critical thinking, improve problem-solving skills and decision making during pharmacotherapy. The student must be trained to create, transmit, and apply new knowledge based on cutting-edge research in the pharmaceutical, social, and clinical sciences; collaborate with other health professionals and learn to enhance the quality of life through improved health for the people of local society and as well as the global community. We are devoted to keep in mind the historical transformation of role of pharmacist and accordingly committed to impart Quality Education, necessary skills and knowledge to our students in the best possible way to develop & enhance holistic personality of a complete pharmacist for betterment of health of our society. As a Pharmacist, I believe in efficiency more than a mere proficiency. To stay on top of this profession, an institute must have high quality, paradigm and reliability. Our College has been rendering such a committed service for the past 04 years to shape up the young Pharmacists to face the forthcoming challenges in Health care. My sincere thanks to the Members of BCDA MEMBERS’ BENEVOLENT TRUST for their sincere co-operation and guidance. I would also take the opportunity to thank to all of my staff and faculty members in lending their helping hand for the success of our College. It is my radiant sentiment to place on record my deepest thanks to all of my students for their intelligence, high energy and exuberance which has backed our college to grow up.
-Prof. (Dr) Goutam Mukhopadhyay
BCDA College of Pharmacy & Technology Campus-2